About Us

Daniel Zhu

Hi! I am Daniel Zhu, and I am a Junior majoring in Accounting. I live in Duncan Hall, and I am from Cordova, TN. To be honest, ever since I went to college. I have never once eaten cereal for breakfast. This project helped open my eyes to the vitamin and nutritional benefits that a good breakfast cereal can provide over other breakfast foods and made me reconsider what I have been eating as of late.

Charles Wang

Hi! I'm Charles Wang, a current Junior double majoring in Business Analytics & Psychology. I also live in Duncan hall, and I'm from all over the place but I consider home to Shanghai, China. To be frank, I don't eat breakfast at all, and growing up overseas I typically ate other breakfast foods. Since health and wellness are crucial to my daily life, I have now considered cereal as a great way to cut down on certain carbohydrates and fatty foods.